Thursday, August 12, 2010

Slide Waters

Robert and I decided to take the kids to the local water slide park here in Chelan.  We'd heard there wasn't much for little kids but took a chance.  Boy are we glad we did!  The kids loved it and we loved watching their excitement.  As usual, I don't have pics of the most fabulous moments but I'll never forget them.  
Lainey and Daddy heading down the "Big Slides" as Lainey called it. Later in the day I took her while Daddy took Beau.  Beau would say, "Go fast! Go fast!" the whole way down.  At the bottom, Beau would sign for more and say, "big slide. more big slide." I taught Lainey to yell, "Girl Power!!!" as we went down. 
This was on the beginner slides, one of which Lainey went down by herself.   Beau also went down by himself and unlike his sister, he stayed on his bottom.  Lainey freaks out a little and flips over onto her tummy.  I had a harder time with Lainey on these slides.  The water isn't very deep but you come cruising off the end of the thing and having to hold her up with one hand I'd lose my balance and just about drown myself trying to keep her up.  The intermediate slides were slower so we could control our dismount a bit better.  But we both liked these because they were faster.

Daddy got us ice cream! That'll make you King for the day with these two.  Lainey would only share her ice cream once she got to the bottom of the cup and it had melted. Nice.

Check out the look on his face! The lifeguards were amazed at how well Beau was doing.  He didn't care for the little kids area much but loved the waterslides.  We were so glad we decided to take the chance and go. It was well worth the price of admission.

1 comment:

Jen said...

That looks like so much fun! Way to go Beau on the waterslide. Fun memories! :)