Friday, August 20, 2010


My living room is a disaster area with a bunch of different toys strewn about.  I asked Lainey and Beau to clean up their toys a few times, even going so far as to sing the Clean Up song.  She replied, "I can't Mommy. I'm doing my puzzle."  I wanted to ask her which of the three puzzles that are out are you doing exactly?  But, it's Friday and I am plum worn out, so the mess remains.
Another reason I gave up-seeing the two of them sitting together playing makes my heart tingle.
Making my heart tingle even more-my always on the go, climb everything, leap off furniture, youngest, sitting, looking at a book.

At some point during their adventures, they made this little arrangement.  I'm pretty certain it was a team effort and would pay big money to have insight into what their little brains were thinking when they put this together.


Mary Liz said...

The bowl project is downright awesome. And you magnified the coolness of it with your Canon!!!

Piper said...

Áine once told Seth she could not come get her jammies on because she was doing her puzzles. Parents must not know the "doing puzzles makes me immune to doing what you ask" rule. Nice work capturing those little moments--those are always my favorite to look back to.