Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Lake Chelan 2010

It feels like cheating to blog while on a vacation but since this particular vacation involves a toddler and a preschooler, it's not like we're relaxing.  So I figured I might as well save myself some time and blog now and then I won't have to worry about it when we get home.

This is our first family vacation with just the four of us and first roadtrip.  Robert's parents went with us to Hawaii in January (wow! that feels like at least a year ago already!) and the trip over here to Lake Chelan is the longest car ride Beau has been on since we brought him home from Spokane.

Nobody slept on the drive but I sure wanted to! I was surprised Beau didn't fall asleep but he apparently got so sucked into watching The Land Before Time with Lainey that he couldn't sleep.  He's not the type to sit and watch tv but this time, he was a captive audience.

Lainey has discovered that she loves swimming, surprising both her parents since the last time she was in a pool, she demanded to get out and wanted nothing whatsoever to do with swim lessons. Now, if you take her swimming, you better be prepared to stay in there for at least two hours. The only tactic we've been successful in using to get her out of the pool is ice cream.  Do what you gotta do I guess! In just a couple of days, she has progressed from using a float ring to water wings and would prefer to not have those either.  She swims around with a permanent smile on her face, saying, "I'm swimming!" every few minutes.  You can see her confidence in herself grow by the minute and that smile is priceless. Beau is as predicted, a daredevil and just wants to leap off the sides into our arms. He wants nothing to do with the floatie, sat for just a few minutes in the boat/raft we got them and would prefer to stick his finger in the sand over and over and over and OVER.  We're planning a trip to the water slide park and renting a boat this week and praying both go well.

Beau is intent on doing whatever his big sister does. What she eats, he eats. What she climbs, he climbs. 
Time to hit the pool. See you in a few hours!  Beau's lips turned blue and he was shivering so much we had to put him in the hot tub. He could've stayed in there for days.  Lainey got in with us for a bit and then said, "I wanna go in the big one," and took off.

So many rocks to throw, so little time

One happy little girl

He will attempt to hang off anything within his reach!
My THREE kids
Not all sippy cups have straws
So tired she can't see straight but will never give up and fall asleep

I love that we're making memories that will last a lifetime. Most of my favorite moments occur when I don't have the camera out so I'm taking mental snapshots and need to write them down before I forget. 


Mary Liz said...

The week is flying by. Enjoy every minute!! Love G & G.

Sarah said...

Looks like you are having the time of your lives :) I love all the memories that you and your husband are making for your chilren!

Jen said...

Love the pics!