Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Evergreen State Fair

You know it's fall when 1) Football starts and, 2) the Monroe (aka Evergreen State Fair) and Puyallup Fairs start up.  We hit the fair in Monroe on Saturday evening.  Robert and I used to go every year and I always thought about what it would be like to take our kids.  It's one of those things about kids that you know will be fun and it far exceeded my expectations. 
After we ate a wholesome dinner of corn dog, a brick made of french fries and a beef brisket sandwich, washed down with ice cold Dr. Pepper, we hit the rides.  Lainey wanted to ride the biggest ride there but we thought it might be better to ease her into it.  We were a little gun-shy from last year when she rode the cars and absolutely hated it.
But what a difference a year makes!  
About her second time around, we started to hear her squealing.

Next, her and I hit this obstacle course thingy. 
I told her she had to go the whole way down the slide without stopping. She turned to look to make sure I was watching her just before she got to the bottom.
And she made it the whole way!

Then she picked the swings. We thought for sure she would hate it since she's not a big fan of swings at the park. But nope, she loved that ride too!

Daddy, Aunt Nan and Beau watching us

Then it was Aunt Nan's turn.  The swings made me more than a little nauseous.  Could've been the food I ate but I think it was more due to that ride lasting a good five minutes.  Too long! I needed Mini Donuts after that one!

She convinced Aunt Nan to "hold you please."  She was tired at this point but was not going to admit defeat and leave!

Beau wasn't big enough to go on any of the rides but he didn't seem to care. As long as he got to walk around, get some smooches and be silly, he was happy. 

All four of us hopped on the the carousel. I thought I might get a family pic but nooooo, Beau wouldn't look at the camera.

Except when he's the only one looking!

What makes me think we'll be embarrassing Lainey and Beau A LOT in the coming years?

Not perfect, but better!

Just happy to be out of the stroller

Nan showing a brat who's boss
Beau's goal for next year
Girl Power!

It was by far, one of my favorite days ever.  Lainey asks me a couple times a day, "Mommy, do you remember when we went on the rides?" 

I'm excited to go to the Puyallup Fair in a couple of weeks and soak up some more wonderful memories.  This is the stuff I dreamed about all those years ago.

Thanks Aunt Nan for taking photos for me!! 


Mary Liz said...

Love all the photos. They are on Fb too so I was surprised when they were on here as well. Miss you all, Love, GML

Piper said...

Love that last pic! Don't you just love when you get a good one of you with your kids. I obsess over anything decent of me with either of mine!