Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Dear Lainey,

Life with you has never been dull and I wouldn't have it any other way. You are the sweetest, best girl any Mommy could ask for.  I love you to the moon baby girl!! I hope you'll remember how much I love you when I put these in a slideshow for your graduation or wedding!



P.S. If you ever start to wonder why your mother has so many gray hairs and looks so old, just refer back to these photos.  Know that for every photo, there were 10 more photo opportunities like it that I didn't have the camera!

1 comment:

Mary Liz said...

So many great pictures!! I am stymied as to why I always have to log in to your (and everyone else's)blog. I want to just click away like in the old days. So I haven't been as attentive lately. And my blog sits.

But anyway, what a lovely surprise to see all the photos. Love to all! GML