Monday, August 23, 2010

(Welcome) Visitors

When we first moved in we noticed 6 different cats frequently traipsing through the backyard. Only one, whom I've named Miss Kitty, has stuck with us, possibly because we give her a tiny bit of whole milk whenever she stops by. She'll let us pet her for a second and then usually saunters around the yard.  Last night however, there were three cats, including Miss Kitty.  The other two weren't interested in us, but we sure were interested in them!  I only got photos of two of them. The other one was way more interested in chasing the squirrels up the tree than in having his/her picture taken. They are such a welcome change to those other visitors we get, the raccoons.
Lainey doesn't understand why "stalking" Miss Kitty isn't a good thing.

But apparently she was listening when I told her, for the millionth time, to let the cat smell her hand first.
This one's name is Buddy. I know this because he has a collar with a pink tag on it, marked Buddy.  
Miss Kitty making herself at home. 

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