Saturday, August 28, 2010

Summer's Last Hurrah

Last week we hit 80 some degrees and the forecast was for 60's and rainy for the foreseeable future.  That pretty much ended our summer so we decided to take the kids to the beach one last time.
I should've known something was up by how cooperative and excited Lainey was to go to the beach.  It turns out, she thought she was going swimming.  She begged and pleaded for us to take off her dress and let her go skinny dipping.

Beau had no intention of getting in the water and did not care for walking on the rocky parts of the beach with his bare feet. He was much more fascinated by the driftwood and climbing.  When we got to the sandy part of the beach, Beau was much happier to dig his toes in the sand.
I wonder how many months it will be before we see Mt. Rainier out and proud again.

We finally got Lainey's kite that she got in her Easter basket up in the air.
And I just basically irritated the kids by taking photos the whole time. When I wasn't snapping away, I was attempting to stop Beau from eating the sand. You'd think after the first taste he'd realize it tastes like, well, dirt.

So long summer. We had fun while it lasted and are looking forward to next year.