Sunday, August 15, 2010

Playing at the beach

After we turned in the boat and had some dinner, we took the kids down to the beach and playground to try and wear them out.  I got my big girl camera out and got serious about getting some pics.


I love that her hair is blowing behind her.  She hardly ever wears it down since she is not a fan of having it brushed. 
Luckily for me, this just happened to be the best night all week for sunset pics. Special thanks to the hubs for watching both kids while I scratched my photography itch.  He knows how I love taking sunset pics.


Karlyn Frantsen said...

Awesome, beautiful pics!!!!

Nicole Reid said...

Thanks Karlyn!

Trinity said...

I love this picture Nic, what an incredible photo! You need to publish this, NOW ;) This picture reminds me SO much of how I miss the Northwest and why I must move back someday soon. Thank you. I needed this ;)