Friday, August 20, 2010

4 B's for Beau

Beau needs just four things to be happy and they can all be found in these pics.  I think he's the easiest kid to put to bed. As long as he has these four items, he's happy as a clam and doesn't make a peep once you put him down.

Bunnz -a pink bunny we bought for Lainey that Beau has become super attached to.

Bear- the first thing I bought for him before he arrived.  You pull the tail and Lullaby and Goodnight plays. He has slept with it since the day he arrived home.

Binky-he gets more and more attached to it every day.  I'm struggling to wean him off of it but he screams and whines SO loud that even though I know better, I cave and give it to him.

Blanket-Grammy made that for him before he was born.  Even during our heat waves, he insists on having that blanket.

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