Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Great Un-Brassing of 2010

I never realized how much I hated brass until we moved into this house.  I'm surrounded by it and I can't stand it.  We're stuck in no-mans land right now, waiting to see what we're going to do to the house with paint, remodeling, floors, etc so I can't do too much at the moment.  If you don't know this about me, I don't have a lot of patience and once I want something gone, I want it gone now. Or better yet, yesterday!  I got to thinking (always a bad thing in Robert's opinion) and decided that I could replace the light fixtures and doorknobs.  I'm not gutsy enough to mess with electricity but I tackled the door knobs today.  I love the new ones!  I need to replace the door hinges anyway so I might as well combine the trips to Home Depot and do the rest of doors right?  

The hardest part was taking two kids to Home Depot.  I didn't get one for Beau's room since that may not be his room or any room for long so I'm stuck looking at that brass knob for awhile yet.  It did make for a good before and after photo.  Hopefully, I'll get the new light fixtures installed next week. Unless I can talk Robert into doing it this weekend.  Hmmm......
Before on the right, after on the left

Before. Yuck

After. Beautiful!


Mary Liz said...

I feel foolish for liking by brass knobs. I am so mixed up now!!

Nicole Reid said...

Don't feel foolish. They just aren't my taste for this particular house. I have a bunch of them in a bag if you'd like them!