Saturday, August 14, 2010

4 hours

We rented a boat for a half day on Thursday.  We learned that while Beau loved the water slide park yesterday, boats and life jackets are not his thing.  It didn't help matters that we had to wake him from a nap in order to get to the boat rental place on time.  He did ok wearing the life jacket on land. Then we got on the boat.  There ended his happiness.  We wouldn't see anything resembling a smile for over four hours. In fact, it wasn't until he woke up from his nap at 6pm that night that his 100 watt smile returned.  We have no idea what exactly bothered him. It could've been the life vest, the boat, being confined, the cold water, or all of the above.  When we ask him if he liked the boat, he replies, "Nooooooooooo."  Thankfully, he's young enough that the day's events won't scare him for life. At least he had the water slide park to look forward to.
"Why do you hate me Daddy?"

After an emergency pitstop at the condo to get a pacifier, things improved slightly.  Mainly by quieting the little stinker.

An attempt at a family photo. Word to the wise, don't even bother trying to do this on a moving boat. Just when you get the light right, the boat moves.  One short term goal of mine-figure out how to fix this in Photoshop.


The day and possibly the entire week, belonged to Lainey.  Who knew she was such a little fish? Getting her out of the water was almost impossible. I was embarrassed by my bribing attempts at times. On the flip side, I've never seen that girl move so fast as when was asked her if she wanted to go swimming.  She loved the boat, swimming in the lake, the pool and the water slide park.  She was so proud of herself, smiling from ear to ear and saying, "Look at me! I'm SWIMMING!"  She drank more water by smiling but she couldn't stop smiling.  

She loved squirting the rest of us with her "squirter."
Speeding across the lake, late to turn in the boat, bouncing with the waves, Lainey was cool as a cucumber.
Beau kicked out a few new phrases this week:
"Let's go!"
"Shut the door!"
"Don't go!"
"Beau go fast!"
"hot tub" - his favorite part of the water slide park

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