Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I think this is the last of the Lake Chelan photos. I have a ton more but looking at them is making me a little sad that our summer is almost over. Who am I kidding? We had a 30 degree temperature drop in less than 3 days. Summer IS over.

The smile never left her face. That's what I love most about our family vacations.  There's only been two so far, but both have shown me a side of Lainey that I love.

This one, loved going down the slides, saying, "Go fast! Beau go fast!" every time.  He gets cold easily though and preferred to spend his time in the hot tub.

 If you can't tell from the look on Robert's face, this was not intentional.  He slipped getting on the slide and Beau took off.  
It was a fantastic trip.  For one whole week, we just got play and enjoy a real summer-warm weather, ice cream and swimming.  I for one, can't wait to do it again next year.


Mary Liz said...

More great, ULTRA great photos!!!The look on Robert's face is priceless; you can tell things were not going as planned. So glad your week was "cheluper." Love, GML

Deanna said...

Bob's face is hilarious! Nice save with his feet though. LOL

Deanna said...

Oh and btw-love the title of this blog post!

Nicole Reid said...

In almost every picture of them coming down the slides, and I have a LOT, Robert has his tongue out or is making some odd face while Beau looks cool. Totally cracks me up!