Thursday, September 2, 2010

She is 3.5

My sweet, stubborn Laineybug is three and a half today.  She's recently developed a fondness for pink, whether it be crayons or shoes.  She's starting to have an opinion about what she wears, although she'll still pretty much wear whatever I pick out for her, with the exception of her pink crocs. Those she wants to wear every day all year long.  When she walks by things in a store she'll say, "I LOVE this," even though she has never seen it before in her life.  When I'm done brushing her hair, she says, "I look beautiful Mommy," and says it like she has no doubts about it. That in particular, I love about her because I had a hand in that.  I try to tell her every day how beautiful, smart, sweet, funny and wonderful she is. I want her to know I am her biggest fan.  I don't always succeed, but I try.  Nothing less than I ask of her.  She still loves her bedtime routine which Daddy is starting to regret (at times) introducing to her before she was 1.  It includes several books and songs and seems to stretch out longer and longer these, does she ever have Daddy wrapped around her finger ;)  Lately she's been asking for me to sing Baby Mine to her at bedtime.  I used to sing it to her during late night/early morning feedings and randomly since.  I'm amazed she remembers it and even more amazed that she wants to hear me sing it.  It's been amazing to watch her development over the past 6 months, especially with her language.  Watching her blossom before our eyes has been truly life changing.  I wish I could bottle her still baby smell and keep it close to remind me of her 20 years from now.  She greets me every morning like I'm a superstar and she's my biggest fan.  To me, she's the smartest, sweetest, most strong-willed, beautiful girl in the world and I'm her biggest fan.  There is nothing I wouldn't do for this girl.  All the battles her and I wage, all the time-outs, all the worrying I do about my parenting (and I worry A LOT), pale in comparison to my love for this girl.  She makes my life beautiful.

Happy Smurf Day Laineybug!

I love you always always ALWAYS!!


1 comment:

Mary Liz said...

Awww, brings tears to my eyes. Happy Smurf Day Lainey Bug. G & G Davis love you very much!!! XOX