Monday, September 13, 2010

First day of preschool (finally!)

Lainey's preschool started a week later than most schools. I don't blame the teachers for starting late as they have kids they need to get ready for school.  But believe me, Lainey was more than ready to go back to school.   She loves going to school, says hi to the school when we drive by it and misses it when it's not in session.  This year wasn't nearly as emotional as last year.  It didn't feel like I was abandoning my baby with strangers in the least and she didn't have any separation anxiety whatsoever.  Beau drew the attention of the teachers with his crying and carrying on. They came rushing out, thinking some poor child was having trouble separating from their parents and nope, it's just a 19 month old who desperately wants to go to preschool! Once I got him out of there we had a fun two hours of running errands, just the two of us. And he was so excited to go get Lainey. All he said on the way there was, "get Lainey!" over and over. Lainey came running out and greeted me like she hadn't seen me in a month.  I love that part!  And in true Laineybug fashion, she told me nothing about her first day.  I know she had a snack, she says she had juice but not apple juice, "just juice."  

1 comment:

Mary Liz said...

You're a little gem. Grandma loves your shoes Laineybug, skirt too! But shoes are my forte forever. Love, GML