Friday, September 10, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

We started the holiday weekend off with a visit from Grammy and Grandpa.  Friday was forecasted to be the nicest day so we decided to go to the beach at Discovery Park. This time, to Lainey's great delight, we packed her swimsuit and swim ring and let her get in the frigid water.  I swear she's part polar bear!  She was freezing but having way too much fun to get out.  Daddy in the meantime, couldn't feel his legs after just 2 minutes in the water.
After he dragged her out of the water, she shivered for about an hour but smiled the rest of the day.  
She still asks me every once in awhile, "Mommy do you remember when we went to the beach?" 

Beau spent his time finding cool rocks to throw into the water or give to one of us. 

He found a great piece of seaglass and rather than give it to Grandpa, he chucked it into the water and handed him yet another dirty rock. Boys!

The other thing we did while Robert's parents were here was change out the light fixtures.  We went from this:
to this:
And this:
to this:

Sunday we decided to fulfill Lainey's longtime wish of going up into the Space Needle. I wanted it to be a halfway decent day weather-wise and we were running out of time.   Before we left the house she was over the moon excited but once we got there and up into the thing, she kind of lost interest. I don't think she realized where she was!
I forgot about Robert's fear of heights until he reminded me so I have to give him props  for conquering his fear for the day.  
The rest of the weekend we were pretty much slugs.

1 comment:

Mary Liz said...

Nice weekend you all had!! The fixtures look spectacular. Love L.'s little pink shoes. XOX GML