Sunday, September 12, 2010

If it's September it must be.....

time for football!  

Usually I'm pretty excited about the start of football season. I love going to the games. This year however, I am just not into it.  I blame the Vikes last game against the Saints.  The one before the Super Bowl last year.  That loss broke my heart into a million pieces and even though Favre came back, I am just not into it.  Add to that the low expectations for the Seahawks, and it's just downright depressing.  So imagine my surprise when the Hawks won today against the predicted winner of our crap division!  It was a great game: the sun came out AND the Hawks won?! I left in a very good mood and excited for the next game.
One of my favorite parts of the game is when the 12th Man Flag is raised. I'm always curious as to who is going to do it and like to guess who it will be. Today it was Chad Brown, a former Seahawk that I know nothing about. 

The sun coming out during a game is a welcome sight!

As for the Vikes, I'm still scared. I think I have PTSD. People don't believe me but I know other Vikings fans know my pain.

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