Thursday, September 9, 2010

Conversation at 19 months

This is probably only cute to me and Robert but I am amazed at Beau's communication skills. Our conversation this morning over breakfast went something like this:

Beau: "Mommy. Mommy!"
Me: "Yes, Beau."
Beau: "More banana Mommy."
Me: "We don't have any more bananas sweetpea. You ate the last one."
Beau: "Banana! Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!"
Me: "They are all gone. Eat your oatmeal Beau."
Beau: "Dadda at work."
Me: "Yep, Daddy's at work."
Beau: "That's riiiiight."
Me: "Yes Beau?"
Beau: "Pooping."
Me: "Thanks for the heads up baby."

Beau in his new big boy booster seat.  It's so weird to look over and see both kids sitting at the table.


Mary Liz said...

It looks like Lainey is mad at losing her end seat at the table and, if she could read, not the star of today's blog. Anyway such a big guy now. Love, GML

Nicole Reid said...

Both of their chairs are now up against the wall. Miss L tipped her chair over backwards recently, breaking the chair and giving herself a nice welt on her back. She'll be the star of a post soon. After yesterday's antics however, it may be awhile.