Thursday, September 30, 2010

Lessons from an almost 2 year old

Beau bowled me over a couple of weeks ago when he said, "Hi Mommy. How are you?" I said (trying not to laugh), "I'm good baby. How are you?"  To which he replied, "I'm goooood."

Today, he made it clear he is listening to not only what we tell him, but also his sister. I was told very clearly, with his index finger pointed for emphasis, the following during a diaper change:

"Mommy. Don't touch the poopy." Me: "That's right Beau. No touching poopy. It's icky."
"Mommy. Don't touch bugs.  They bite you."  Me: "That's right baby. Bugs bite."
"Mommy. Don't touch bees! They sting you. Give you big owies." Me: "That's right Beau."
"Mommy! Don't touch the fan."  Where he got that one, I don't know but again, I agreed with him.

He is starting to take an interest in books finally. I really think it has more to do with increasing his vocabulary than anything else because he just points to things in books and asks me what they are.  The same is true whenever we go anywhere too. The little guy is so curious about everything!

I've been bad about writing these sorts of things down and have been feeling guilty over it.  So to rid myself of a little bit of guilt, I'm going to write it on here so I don't forget.

1 comment:

Dad said...

He got the "don't touch the fan" from his she watched Daddy touch it while it spun...bad Daddy!! :)