Saturday, September 11, 2010

Mommy's Winter Survival Kit

Yesterday at the park I was told that my kids were "adventurous." I think this person meant it as a compliment but in my head I heard, "crazy little monkeys." Beau was hanging from everything he could grab a hold of and Lainey apparently went deaf and couldn't hear a single word I said. 

I'm hoping they will bounce their little brains out on those soon to be rain filled days.
Beau was the first one to wake up and check it out.  
Daddy had to show him how it was done.
And of course he decided that getting out by climbing over the top was way more fun than through the boring old tunnel.
Lainey skipped breakfast and instead wanted to bounce and play Ring Around The Rosey with her brother.

I love how static-y (sp?) her hair got. You know you're having fun when your hair is full of static!

During a break from the jumping, Beau and Daddy were reading a book. At least I think it was the two of them. All I could see of Beau were his little feet. I could just chew on those little toes of his.

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