Thursday, September 16, 2010

Old dog learning new tricks

I'm taking an online photography class right now called Finding Your Joy. It's mainly about getting yourself into more of your photos.  What really appealed to me however were the Photoshop tips.  There are quite a few tutorials in Photoshop included and I am one week into a six week class and I've already gotten my moneys worth!

You may remember this photo I posted awhile ago. It's not a great photo by any means. The lighting is bad, the side of his face is overexposed, etc.  But I love it nonetheless. Notice the bruise and the booger on his eyebrow.  

As soon as I saw this week's tutorial in Photoshop, I thought of this picture. It's always bothered me and I've been wanting to know how to remove things such as boogs.  

You can still see a little of the bruise. I have a feeling that if my ISO had been lower, I would be able to fix it a little more. Either way, I'm pretty happy with it.  Now I can go back to Lainey's baby pictures and get rid of the red mark she had on her face from where her pacifier rubbed her skin.  But not tonight. This old dog is tired and ready to call it a day.

1 comment:

Mary Liz said...

Good work, how 'bout going into those Grandma Mary Liz photos and remove my thighs? double chin? stupid looks - now that would be a toughy, if not impossible!