Monday, September 6, 2010

Random Madness and Fun

We've had a fun yet lazy holiday weekend and these are just a few photos from the last few days.  I'm still steamed that I lost all the links to the many many blogs I follow. If you know of any good ones or that I used to have a link to, please leave a comment!

Grammy and Grandpa came to visit. More on that in a later post. The three of them broke in the chalkboard wall.

I should feel bad for taking photos of Beau like this instead of helping him but I don't. For one, he has been giving me gray hair and an ulcer with his climbing and acrobatic abilities.  

And because, two minutes before the photo above was taken, I reprimanded him for yet again, climbing into what used to be a flower bed. Now, it's just trampled flowers and weeds.

And because inside the house he is prone to doing this. 

Uh-oh. Busted again.

If anyone ever tells you the spiders in the Northwest are not huge, slap em. This baby was over an inch long.


Mary Liz said...

Love the pictures, so much viewer emotion tied in. Beau crying had me saying OOOOOOO, aloud and no one was in the room. You have the makings of a good photograper!!

Mary Liz said...

Make that a great photographer!!

Piper said...

some of your blogs are along the side of my blog because I copied you :)