Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I've decided that when one of my precious little monkeys is especially naughty, instead of spanking or yelling, I'm going to be a little passive aggressive and post an embarrassing photo of them here.  That way, I'm not creating a circle of violence and I can get my frustration out in a not too harmful manner.  Of course this will stop when they are old enough to know better. Or will it?  After all, Lainey IS old enough to know not to climb onto the tv stand and touch the tv, yet despite numerous reassurances from her that she will not touch the tv, I still catch her up there putting monkey prints all over the screen.  So today's bit of revenge is for Little Miss Monkey Paws.
As if posting this photo wasn't bad enough, her dear mother learned a little something new in Photoshop.  Here is the before shot:
I just know she's thrilled to have helped her mother.

Have you ever seen such a sad face? This is what I get instead of an apology. She'd rather chew on her own socks than say she's sorry.  And I love her more than anything. 


Mary Liz said...

I liked the first photo better, with little depth of field. Poor punkin, she looks so forlorn. Hugs from G & G in ND.

Deanna said...

I love that girl so freakin much it's ridiculous!