Saturday, October 2, 2010


This is what I discovered when I looked in on Lainey before I went to bed.  She's been saying her night-time pull-ups are too big and itching her.
I guess she had enough of it.
We managed to get it back on her without waking her up.
I sure wish I slept as hard as this girl!  

1 comment:

Piper said...

oh no! Does she soak them? If not, you could try the Imse Vimse cloth ones. I could let you borrow one to see if she takes to it. They would not work for a full on pee though. Also, we have started just getting Áine up before we go to bed and I can't remember the last time she had a night time accident. Maybe if she keeps pulling it off you could try that? Or, bring on the rubber sheets!