Monday, June 14, 2010

Summer hits least for a day

We got home from Scottsdale on Saturday, the nicest day of the year weatherwise, in Seattle.  We finally hit 70 degrees, the longest it's taken to hit that mark ever.  Sunday we blew up the pool for the kids.  Lainey didn't miss a beat and jumped right in. Beau on the other hand, was skeptical.  It took the water warming up and Daddy getting in with him, for him to decide it was worth it. 
Hopefully we'll see lots more days like this weekend and more pool time.


Mary Liz said...

Glad you are back safe and sound. Love the latest pictures. GML

Piper said...

way to time the return of your trip for a nice day. When we get another nice day I want to come visit again and check out that park by your place--Let L, B, and Á run around and get TIRED!!! My goal for each day is to make her as tired as possible, haha!

Nicole Reid said...

Good luck with that Piper! That's my daily goal as well. Let's get together soon! This is the last week of preschool so our schedule will be a bit more open.