Friday, June 4, 2010

Mental Pictures

My favorite moments the last couple of days have been when I can't take a photo.   Whenever we go somewhere, I've learned to let Beau walk from the car to the door.  He's not a fan of being strapped down and going from carseat to shopping cart straight back to the car makes for one very cranky boy.  Lainey on the other hand, would be thrilled if I carried her everywhere.  So in trying to kill two birds with one stone, I've started having both of them walk more.  Yesterday when we dropped Lainey off at school, they each held one of my hands.  As I looked down at each of them, I got warm fuzzies in my stomach.  I forgot about how hard it was to get them ready and loaded in the car and just   savored the moment. Then today, we went to buy more bubbles and as we walked into the store, Beau held my hand and Lainey held Beau's.  It was for me, one of those tender moments of motherhood that make you stop dead in your tracks and thank your lucky stars for these sweet souls that have been entrusted to me. 

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