Thursday, June 17, 2010

Last Day of Preschool

Today was Lainey's last day of her first year of preschool.  For the past month or so we've been learning the songs I've Been Working on the Railroad, She'll be Coming Round the Mountain and Down By the Station.  We all know the songs we've sang them so much.  Today her whole class sang them for the parents and guests.  Lainey must have been struck by stage fright because she never opened her mouth.  At least she looked cute in her dress!  She has a cooking camp for three weeks this summer that she has no idea about. I think she's going to really love that!
It's been a fun exciting year for her. When she started school she wasn't potty trained and now she goes the potty all by herself and is learning to put her clothes back on.  She was so scared to leave us in the beginning and now when I drop her off she takes her shoes off and bolts without giving me a kiss or even saying goodbye.  She's blossoming into such a sweet beautiful little girl.  The joy she brings to my life with her smiles, kisses and hugs hurts in the most wonderful way.  She's growing up way too fast but I love soaking up her sweetness every chance I get.  I love you so much sweetheart!


Mary Liz said...

She looks just adorable, even if she didn't open her mouth. I love her dress. Did G. Reid sew it? She is the most beautiful girl!! I can't wait to see her and Beau. (You and Robert too!) Love, GML

Nicole Reid said...

No, that dress is from Gymboree. I haven't had her sew anything this year.