Monday, June 7, 2010

One of those moments

I've been remiss on documenting all of Beau's little quirks that make him the unique little man that he is.  For example, I documented the first 100 words Lainey said. I tried to do the same with Beau but he's got such a large vocabulary, it's impossible! If I say a word, he repeats it!  Today, he wanted his blanket wrapped around him.  After a few unsuccessful attempts of holding it himself, I offered to tie it around him. He it up like a Christmas tree and walked around saying, "happy, happy happy."  Too cute to not blog!
Luckily, he walked outside, allowing me to get a clear shot in decent light, unlike the photo below.
And yes, that is Lainey's legs in the background. This feels like one of those classic childhood photos. 

1 comment:

Mary Liz said...

I can't wait till I get there.