Wednesday, June 30, 2010

One fine day

Yesterday was a pretty good day.  Even though Lainey refused to eat breakfast and lunch and no amount of sweet talking or bribery worked. Even though Beau only took one, short nap and was cranky the rest of the day. Even though I got the scare of my life with five racoons looking at us, making me fear for the life of my dog and you kids.  Even though bathtime was a disaster with Beau trying to get into the bathtub fully clothed, then each of you trying to escape.  Beau succeeding and then fell on his tush on the wet floor, then tried to get back into the tub after I had his pj's on.

But in between all of that, Lainey, you sang three songs to me: You Are My Sunshine, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and Jesus Loves Me.  You have memorized two Thomas the Tank Engine books and read them to me at bedtime. You gave me more hugs and kisses than I can count.  You said Please and Thank You without me reminding you.  When I stubbed my toes you asked me if I was ok and offered to kiss my owies. You showed me what a sweet soul you have.  When you asked me to play with you and to watch your Mrs. Frizzle show, you made me feel so special.

Yep, yesterday was one fine day. There's no photos to document it. I don't think a photo could do it justice anyway.  And really, nothing extraordinary happened yet at the end of it, I felt like a million bucks.  And it's all because of one special little girl.  MY girl.  Thank you very much sweetie.  If today holds just a fraction of the good stuff from yesterday, it will be another great one.

As you like to tell me, I like you so much!

Love always,


I caught her laying on the floor singing different songs. We'd just came in from outside and were waiting for the bathtub to fill up.  Such a sweet moment.