Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Tomorrow is Father's Day and as usual, we don't have anything special planned.  Every year I stress about how to make this day special for Robert and every year I fail. He's the most unselfish person I've ever met and never wants anything so gift buying is ridiculously hard.  After working all day he comes home to kids that pounce on him the minute he walks in the door and a stressed out wife and handles it all in stride. He's made us his life and we are so blessed to have him as a husband and father.  I couldn't have chosen a better father for my children.   I  love him with all my heart, Lainey adores being Daddy's Girl and he's Beau can't get enough of him.  

The Best Man I Ever Knew

When we married, I saw you as perfect,
The ideal husband and more;
I thought I knew all about you,
All the things to love and adore

But when you became a father,
I saw new qualities to treasure.
You enrich all our lives in fresh ways;
As a dad, you bring so much pleasure.

Our children are forever blessed
To have a father like you,
And I love you more than ever,
You’re the best man I ever knew.

By Joanna Fuchs

I'm sure we'll spend the day much like we do every Sunday-as a family. Nothing special or extraordinary, yet my hope is by the end of the day, it will have been a special day. There really isn't a gift that I could buy that could come close to showing how much he means to this family.  He is the glue that holds this family together and we are so lucky to call him ours.  I just hope he knows how much we love and cherish him.  
Happy Father's Day!


Mary Liz said...

Happy Father's Day Robert. I do believe you are a very lucky man to have such a wonderful family; but without a doubt, you make so much of the wondefulness possible! Love from the North Dakota G's.

Nicole Reid said...

Thanks, ML....hope that old fart you live with had a good Dad's day ;) And you're right, I'm a very lucky guy!

See you next month...Robert.