Thursday, June 24, 2010

On second thought....

I've been thinking about how much better a new fence would look in our backyard lately.  The current fence was never stained and is now faded to that lovely grey with a touch of moss/mold/mildew that is so common in Seattle.  It's not high on my list of priorities by any means but was something that popped into my head for later. Until today.  On another blog I fell in love with this rug that looks like an old floor.  You can hang it to look like a backdrop in photos or leave it as a rug.  And just a few minutes ago, the kids were playing next to the fence so I grabbed the camera to see what the fence would look like as a background.  I think I like it! I may even keep a section of the fence when we ever do get around to replacing it.  
Adding to my amazement, when I told Beau to stand up against the fence, he DID! Holy Moley Batman! I got a kid that likes having his picture taken and I LOVE that about him!  If only I had planned a little better and put a clean shirt on him.  But I guess that's why I'm not a pro yet.
uhhhh, yeah. LOVING that fence and backyard!

1 comment:

Mary Liz said...

Those kids steal my heart!!! I can't wait until the 4th. Love, GML