Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a great weekend. Well, I did anyway, and isn't that all that matters?  It started off with Mickey Mouse shaped pancakes Saturday morning and ended with a nice surprise appearance by the sun late Sunday afternoon.  In between, we spent some great family time together not only at home but also a trip to Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium in Tacoma, where Lainey and Daddy rode a camel of all things and we got to see some animals we've never seen before.
This peacock was greeting everyone just inside the entrance. 
Lainey telling the reindeer her Christmas list already

Beau loved looking at the fish and sharks in the aquarium. 
I think it was mainly because he got to escape the stroller. 
My favorite parts of any day: naptime and pigging out on popcorn!
We also spent quite a bit of time assembling a much needed table and wall unit in the play room.  It's finally starting to look like our house.  Well, the play room is anyway!

When the sun appeared, we bolted for outside, digging out the tee-ball set and bubbles. Lainey of course found herself a "cute little guy" to play with.
You know you had a great weekend when you're still feeling the afterglow, days later.


Mary Liz said...

L looks like she had a mini catfish. And it is?? What a special weekend you had!!! Dad and Lace took off for Mich. this am I would have needed about 4 days to roll out of here. Home I am.

Piper said...

wow, you either have a pretty good zoom or you got pretty close and snuggly with the PT Def. zoo peacock! You got some great shots over the weekend!