Tuesday, June 22, 2010

September 23

I read today that the last time Seattle hit 75 degrees or warmer was last September 21st. It's now June 22nd, a full 9 MONTHS later.  As someone who didn't grow up here, this is about the time I lose my mind from not seeing the sun for months.  Even Alaska has seen 75 degrees already this year!!! We've gotten a nice day here and there, but never more than two days in a row and only one day of sun from dawn til dusk.  Feeling sorry for me yet?  It's supposed to 71 today and I have no idea if we've hit that mark or not.  I do know that our backyard gets lots of sun (when it's available for use) and it always feels warmer than the actual temp.  So after filling the pool with what felt like 103 gallons of hot water from the house, it's now bearable.
Wherever he goes, the bat goes.  Daddy is hoping for a lefty. I'm thinking a green pool isn't the best for photos since I know for a fact Beau's skin is not remotely green.
This one hates having her picture taken. 
Beau seems to enjoy it still. I guess that's fair.
I'll take what I can get.
Think they spent much time playing in the pool? Of course not!
And a random photo just for fun. Maybe he thinks he'll catch Cinderella with the other shoe?  He just likes to 1) do whatever his sister is doing, and 2) bug her by doing it.

It's been a beautiful day and I hope it's not the last we'll see this week. These two were desperate to get outside this morning. Lainey skipped breakfast and put on her shoes before she even got out of her pajamas.  We all go stir crazy when we're stuck inside for too long.

**Update from komotv.com******

Yes, Seattle has finally joined the 75 degree club (actually, our high so far today is 77). Only took us 273 days, and we're a full month behind Alaska, but better late than never, most sun fans would say. (Rain fans and statistical fans, of which I am in both groups, kind of wish it had missed today because otherwise the streak had potential to stretch into July.)

And now that we've reached it... say goodbye to it as we won't be back here for another while.

An approaching low pressure system -- which helped drive the warmth today by pulling up some warm air from the south -- will keep increasing clouds tonight. Lows will be in the low-mid 50s.


Piper said...

I heard somewhere that the volcano eruption in Iceland is the reason for the colder weather and we will actually see funky trends in our weather for up to 2 years (warmer parts of winter/colder parts of summer). Not sure if that is true, but that is something I overheard.

Nicole Reid said...


Jen said...

Such cute pics! We also enjoyed the sunshine! So glad it's finally here! Hopefully it sticks around for a while.