Sunday, April 11, 2010


Lainey likes to watch Zaboomafoo while I shower in the morning. Usually Beau is napping but today we were getting ready to go to the zoo.  After getting him dressed, he crawled up and started bugging Lainey, something one should never do when Zaboomafoo is on. The girl is just a little obsessed with that show these days and doesn't particularly like people talking to her when it's on.  Then, just as I thought he was a goner, he laid down next to her. The next few minutes took my breath away.  They snuggled, talked to each other, and she gave him a hug.  It was at that point his patience with snuggling wore out and he wanted to wrestle with her. I know he kept that hairbrush in his hand in case he needed to defend himself. That is always a smart move with a big sister!  Nonetheless, I have always hoped, even before Beau, that these two would be close growing up, and today I got a sign that I just might get what I want. I know there will be fights and the usual sibling rivalry. But hopefully, there will be moments like this as well.


Piper said...

Aw, I love it! They are sweet. I really like that last one, such a little brother move!

Anonymous said...

Love these pictures! Adorable!

Mary Liz said...

I remember my mother telling me that someday my brother would be bigger than me(she knew what she was talking about) and I better be nice to him. In my young inexperience I thought, "What does she know?" I will always be older, and I will always be able to "take him."

Trinity said...

love the pictures, especially the last one! What a funny - and courageous - little guy ;)