Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Oh BOY!**

Why do I get the feeling that if he could've, Beau would have said, "Hey Mom, watch this!"  You know it's not good when you see your youngest, who isn't even 15 months old yet, at the top of the slide.  He's already mastered climbing the ladder up into the playhouse and now likes to shoot down the slide like a little greased pig.  He is so different from Lainey this way (well, in every way really).  She holds on with her hands AND uses her shoes to slow herself down.  It takes her forever to come down the slide.  This one is going to give me gray hair for sure!
Is it just me or does Lainey look a little too excited to see her little brother come flying down the slide?  I mean, the girl hardly ever looks directly at the camera, let alone smile!  Suspicious!
Robert swears that if you don't stand at the bottom of the slide that he slows himself down. I can't do it. I have to stand there since he comes shooting down so fast I'm afraid he'll bounce off the ground and then I'll have an ER trip to blog about and I'd just as soon not experience that just yet.

**No children were harmed in the making of these photos. They hurt themselves often enough off camera.**

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