Saturday, April 3, 2010

How to assemble a grill with two curious toddlers

Step 1. Empty the box in an open area.
Step 2. Put said toddlers into the now empty box.*  If they protest, serve beverages.
*Escape is possible, probably likely. 
If one does escape, put said escapee to work. They just might end up being helpful. But don't count on it. 
Step 4.  Keep remaining toddler inside box until the last possible moment.  Resist the sad face, whining and rescue calls for Mommy. Teddy Graham crackers and applesauce may be required (not included in box).
Step 5. Wait until toddlers have gone to sleep and finish assembling the grill.


Mary Liz said...

Question #1
Does this mean WHEN we get to Seattle, no more charcol grilling?
Question #2
Did you have blue air and extra parts like your Dad does?
Statement #1
You'll love the ease of a gas grill and quick meals.
Happy Easter ~ Love to all

Nicole Reid said...

Yes-the charcoal is gone, No extra parts and yes, we are looking forward to not having to wait for the coals to be hot. We're having steaks tonight in fact along with PW's garlic red potatoes!

Momma said...

So does this mean that THE houewarming party will be a BBQ?? Hint, hint! Amy

Momma said...

PS I'll bring the champagne!

Nicole Reid said...

Amy, there's a good chance it will involve the bbq!! We're waiting to have a housewarming until we've gotten to change a few things around the house, making it "ours." You'll have to come over and see the before though!