Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Bug's Ladybug House

Lainey's ladybugs arrived in the mail yesterday and after I got it all set up, I showed it to her.  They came in a cardboard tube, and inside was this smaller plastic tube that I had to shake into the house.  I could see two had evolved into larvae already but the rest looked dead to me.  
Here it is, Day Zero of our Ladybug adventure.  You can see one crawling out of the "crater" inside the house.  I'll post pics as they grow and develop over the next week or two.  When they are full grown, we're going to let them out into the backyard and start over again. 

If you're wondering why I got her a ladybug house, well, for starters, you should know by now I have a Bug Maniac on my hands.  Secondly, the store was out of my first choice, which was an ant farm. We may be getting one of those if all goes well with the ladybugs.  Thirdly, since the day she arrived, her nickname has been Laineybug and with me unable to resist anything with a ladybug on it, a ladybug house made perfect sense.  And last, but not least, for moments like these.  
When she is not outside being the Ant Bully, she is obsessing over her ladybugs.  I have it so she can see it while she's eating and every meal, she checks on them.  I've already had to clean off the dome from her sticky hands.  She's convinced a caterpillar is going to come in and eat them and was caught trying to stick an ant inside the house yesterday.  So far, knock on wood, I've been able to keep her from destroying it and letting the ladybugs out.  But it's only been a day. 

I love watching her watch the bugs and would love to know what she's thinking about.  Besides how to free them and squish em like the rest of the bugs she comes into contact with. 



Mary Liz said...

I speak for myself... I just love everything about her. GML

Karlyn Frantsen said...

I have some ants running around in my kitchen!! Too bad she's not here to help me out!!