Thursday, April 15, 2010

Fun with Daddy

People ask us a lot why we moved without having our house sold first.  Here is just one, albeit very important reason.  Lainey and Beau get to see their Dad at least 2 hours a day more now than before.  They squeal when they hear him come in the door and attack him with kisses, hugs and plead with him to play chase and wrestle.  So while it was a bit nerve wracking to have two houses and two mortgages, it was well worth it.  We needed to change things for our family. Thankfully, we just sold our old home! 
I love this last one. Beau figured out very quickly to just wait for them to come around the corner and catch them. Such a smart little guy! 
Don't even get me started on what a hands on Dad Robert is.  Lainey and Beau greet him like a rock star every night and rightly so! 

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