Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hoppy Easter!

This was the first year we colored eggs and wouldn't you know it, I didn't take a single photo.  Does that mean it never happened? Hmm, in my mind it does!  We may have a do-over since I bought an extra egg dyeing kit.  Don't worry, I won't post those pics here.

The Easter Bunny found us at our new house and thanks to the timely arrival of a package from ND, baskets (or bowls) were filled nicely.  Beau was very interested in picking up all the eggs  while once Lainey spotted the movie Wall-E in hers, she was one happy camper.  A couple of pieces of candy later, she started hunting for eggs.  Now all she wants to look for eggs. I hope this isn't like her birthday party and all I hear for the next month is the Easter bunny and finding eggs. But if I do, that's ok, she'll only be this excited for so long.


Beau holding his Bunz while checks out his basket. I slipped Wall-E into Lainey's after Beau paid no interest in it.  It was the first thing Lainey noticed.

A happy girl.  She keeps opening the refrigerator to look at the eggs, saying, "Look at all the eggs. I just need to count them." 

“The great gift of Easter is hope – Christian hope which makes us have that confidence in God, in his ultimate triumph, and in his goodness and love, which nothing can shake.”
– Basil C. Hume

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