Saturday, October 16, 2010

Waiting for Daddy

At the end of the day the kids love watching for Daddy out the window.  I try not to think it might be because they are sick of being with me but the hero's welcome he receives makes that a little difficult.  All kidding aside, I love how excited they get when he gets home.  And he honestly deserves the warm welcome he receives.  

Sometimes it takes him a little longer than they'd like and they get a little bored.

But sometimes you see a friend. This day it was Leah, our three year old neighbor from across the street.  Beau is quite fond of her. Apparently he likes older women. 

Then she left and they were back to bored again.

Really bored.

Then Beau decided he had been sitting long enough and took a leap onto the sofa.

Then Lainey joined in and I officially lost all hope of getting them to stop. Good thing Daddy came home about 10 seconds after I snapped this shot.  All of this happened in a matter of 5-7 minutes by the way. 


Mary Liz said...

Good capture of a special 5 minutes in their lives. Miss them, GML

Piper said...

I love the one with Cooper looking with them. Very cute!