Friday, October 8, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

Last Friday Robert took a rare day off and we headed out to our favorite pumpkin patch, Craven Farms in Snohomish. We've gone there the past 4 years or so and although it's quite a jaunt for us now, no more so than any other pumpkin patch and well worth the drive.  On this day, we practically had the place to ourselves. There were maybe two or three other families there.  As a mom, I loved that I could let my hooligans run free without worrying who they were disturbing or not being able to find them in a sea of people. The photographer part of me was disappointed at our late start and the resulting harsh, mid-day sunshine but, I'll take full sun and an empty pumpkin patch over rain and lots of people in the background any day!  The kids loved looking at all the pumpkins and are still asking to go back.  What is the fascination with pumpkins I wonder?  I am enjoying this time when the kids are still little enough to think the joy is seeing the pumpkins and not buying them.  $20+ for an average sized pumpkin is so not going to happen while I'm still kicking and when the grocery stores have them 3 for $12! 
On the hunt for the best pumpkins in the patch.  I think two best ones are sitting in the wagon. 
My beautiful girl who hates looking at the camera.  Over the course of the outing she got more and more impatient with me and my camera.  
City kids on tractors. 
Lainey showing the first signs of being over the whole picture thing.
He looks so grown up to me in this photo

And he REALLY likes pumpkins!
"Seriously Mom? Aren't you done YET?" I just want to apologize to Lainey for the orange shirt. It's cute but I didn't really think about how she'd blend with the pumpkins. And the sequins on a sunny day, well, the reflections showed up on her face. My bad but who knew it would be sunny in October in Seattle?
This proves she must really love me. 
and just a few more. I promise!

1 comment:

Piper said...

haha, looks like our girlies were equally thrilled about our cameras!