Friday, October 22, 2010

Random Cuteness

Lainey spotted this purple wig or as she calls it, her purple hair and has been having fun prancing around in it. Both kids really have a strong silly side and I love that about them.  Beau wants nothing to do with the wig, which just makes me more determined to get a pic of him wearing it. We'll see who wins.

Does he look excited about the smooch that's coming his way or what?

Love his eyes in this shot. In all three of him, I photoshopped out the goober, slobber, whatevers that were on his shirt. I LOVE photoshop!!

Lainey modeling her new nightshirt I made her in my sewing class.  As I was finishing putting the buttons on, she asked me what it was. I told it was for her and she said, "Oh, thank you Mommy!"  Yes, I melted more than a little.  She's in such a great phase right now that I could just eat her with a spoon. 

And you may have noticed that all of these shots were taken by the front window in the living room. I like the light there and have even moved the couch further away from the window to take advantage of the light.  Hopefully once the remodel is done I can figure out some way to make that a mini studio. 

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