Saturday, October 2, 2010

Big Girl Bed

Last night marked the last night Lainey slept in her toddler bed.  Just before she turned two, she figured out how to get out of it and we converted it to a toddler bed.  Today we converted it to a full-sized bed and her mattress was just delivered.  Of all the purchases we made as new parents, buying this crib was one I would do all over again. Everyone advised me not to buy a crib that converted because I would be sick of looking at it by the time we needed to turn it into a full bed.  Under most circumstances, they were probably right. I do like turnover when it comes to furniture. I blame (or credit) moving around a lot as a kid.  It seems like just yesterday that we brought her home from the hospital and watched her sleeping in that beautiful crib and I don't think my heart could take getting rid of it for something new.  This will be the bed (complete with teeth marks she inflicted on it), that she will sleep in for as long as she lives with us. And if the mattress salesman is correct, the same mattress set.  That makes my heart happy.
Of course, both her and Beau wasted no time and putting the bed to the test.
A little reminder that a little woodchuck once slept here.
When we were waiting for her I had no idea she'd be in a big girl bed before she was four. The time has flown so fast it doesn't seem fair.  The best moments always seem to be over way too quickly. I love her spirit and her sweet soul and am very excited to watch her grow up.  And until then, I'm looking forward to her bedtime routine of reading books, singing songs, talking to Jesus and all the good conversations we will have while laying in this bed, the same bed she's always slept in. 


Momma said...

LOVE the bedding!

Lily said...

It makes me happy to read this post...we just bought our crib convertible all the way to a "big boy bed" like yours. We were hesitant to buy a crib that is supposed to last so long, but you have put my mind at east :-)

Mary Liz said...

Awww, she looks so grown up.