Tuesday, October 19, 2010


We've had a beautiful October so far. It's been pretty dry with lots of sunshine.  I keep waiting for the rain to start, and I know it will but I'm very happy it's waited this long.
We've lived in our house now 8 months and I never get tired of the view from the park that's a block and a half away.

And I know one little guy that isn't tired of it either.   When I ask him if he wants to go to the park, he says, "hang?"

We usually go to the park after Daddy gets home from work because when I try to take them by myself, it's a constant game of who do I stay near, the kid that loves to dangle, or the girl who loves to run off and drink out of the dog fountain while Mommy is occupied with little brother?
It's not nearly as much of a break for Mommy as one would think. 

To say he is obsessed with balls is an understatement. He's also been known to interrupt soccer games and practices that are going on at the park.  All he wants is the balls they are playing with.  How do you tell a 20 month old he can't play?  

1 comment:

Mary Liz said...

Monkey is too mild of a word for the Beaumeister. XOX GML