Wednesday, October 6, 2010


What is it about a sleeping baby?  Lainey's three and I still get all soft and mushy watching her sleep. Since she got her new bed, I've melted even more and have been taking my camera in her room when I check on her.  Lucky for me, she sleeps like a hibernating bear and usually has all her lights on so I don't even need to worry about using a flash.  She's really loving her big new bed and I can't blame her. That is one comfy bed!  Beau loves to climb up on it and spread around some boy germs all the while saying, "Lainey's bed," with a big I'm up to no good grin on his face.
She looks so little in that big bed!

Seeing your child sleeping like this, looking like an absolute angel is the stuff that rejuvenates a mother.  How else can you explain watching the clock waiting for bedtime only to melt like butter a couple hours later when you check on them?
I hope your dreams are sweet like donuts and ice cream baby girl


Mary Liz said...

What a picture, the last one. Kisses and Hugs from G & G Davis.

Piper said...

seriously cute! I know what you mean, I watch the clock for bedtime and then miss them once they are asleep!