Monday, October 11, 2010


Thanks to her Aunt Nan, Lainey has a new camera.  She had been asking for a new one almost since the minute she broke her old one.  Lucky for her, she has an aunt that had a spare camera!  

I admire her determination to get the shot.  She even busted her brother climbing on the kitchen counter.  Once I pry the camera away from her, I'll download the pic and share it.

I love it when she scrunches up her face when she's concentrating or pointing out something to us.  Of course, it could also mean that she needs her eyes checked.

Is it any wonder why I love taking pictures of this child?  She's just going to have to suck it up and deal.

There is something about this photo and the one below that I really like.  It's like most art. I have no idea why I like a piece. I just do.  Could be because of how difficult it is to get Lainey to look at the camera.  I'm sure that's part of it but also, I think one of Lainey's best features is her eyes. She's always had these big beautiful hazel eyes and long eyelashes.  Among other things, long eyelashes are wasted on the young!
How's GML? I know how you love it when Lainey gets to dominate a post!


Deanna said...

What an angel!

Mary Liz said...

Way too cool for Grandma. The last one is outstanding. You should see my 11X14 frame of L in full face. XOX

Nicole Reid said...

Take a pic and email it to me. She's a beautiful girl!