Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

It's been a busy weekend with Lainey's preschool Halloween party, trick or treating in the Village and now, actual Halloween day.  On Friday, we were blessed with an incredibly dry, sunny day for trick or treating in the village.  It was a chaotic scene with kids and families everywhere trying their hardest to get to the candy.

It didn't take the kids long to figure out the hang of it and Beau even managed to sneak some candy on his own.

This would make a fantastic Christmas card photo don't you think?

Beau showing me his 4th piece of candy

And how he felt when I took the "sure to get lodged in his throat not at all appropriate for kids" piece of candy away.

Monkey on the loose! Zookeeper in hot pursuit.

Hanging with Grandpa is a favorite place for this little monkey.

And even then he can't stop climbing!

Happy Halloween from me and my two little monkeys!


Mary Liz said...

I just loved seeing the pictures. Beau squeeling and Lainey picking. The times of your life! Love and miss you all. G & G

Mary Liz said...

Too lazy to look up schqweeling, whatever, you get the point.

Karlyn Frantsen said...

Cute little monkeys!!