Saturday, January 2, 2010

2009 in a nutshell

January:  Beau arrived on the 28th and brought his own special and exuberant joy into our lives.  I don't even remember what life was like before he joined us.

February: Robert took a trip to Mexico courtesy of F5.  I stayed home with the kids while Daddy soaked up some sunshine and alcohol at a fabulous resort.  I guess this would count as Robert's top moment for February but, I'm glad he got to get away for a bit.

March: Lainey turned 2!  Upon reflection, 2 wasn't nearly as bad as all the hype. 2 1/2 on the other hand....

April: Thrush. Not. good.

May: Beau's adoption finalized.  Very very good.  The long road to becoming a family is over!  Battled thrush til the end of the month.

June: Robert and I took a trip to North Shore of Oahu. Just the two of. Exactly what I needed after battling Beau's thrush for two months.

July : Hottest day in Seattle history was this month.  One big highlight was Robert bringing me goodies from Carlo's Bakery in New Jersey.  We're big fans of the show The Cake Boss.

August: We celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary with an incredible meal at Canlis and Robert gave me a beautiful diamond eternity ring.

September:  Lainey started preschool and after a rocky start, has grown to love it. Robert and I spent a long weekend in Vegas. Seems we get away quite a bit huh?  Considering we had one date night in all of 2009, I don't feel the least bit guilty.  But the BIG BIG news.....(drumroll please!) Lainey is daytime potty trained!!!!

October: First emergency room visit. Beau had a high fever, vomitting, etc.  So scary! First Halloween for Beau.  Robert had swine flu

November: Beau's first Thanksgiving and he said, "Mama" as his first word.  Lainey didn't talk til 16 months.  Not to compare the two but so far, Beau seems to be the exception to the rule when it comes to boys doing things later than girls.

December: First Christmas as a complete family of four.  Beau took his first steps.  We are leaving on our first family vacation to Maui in a couple of days.

Not too shabby!

Favorite photo of the year

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!