Friday, January 15, 2010

Beau's first plane ride

I guess I'll start at the beginning with our vacation pics.  This was Beau's first plane ride. He did really well and especially loved all the snacks I brought for him.  Between the two of them, they ate most of them on the flight to Maui, leaving me no choice but to buy more for the flight home.  Lainey got to watch Cars, her current favorite movie on the dvd player as well as Sesame Street on my iPod.  That's all it took to keep her happy for the most part.

The view from our room as well as the living room.  All you had to do was look out at the water for a few minutes and you'd see a whale splash.  I never got tired of watching for them. A couple of times we saw two males fighting over a female and they would jump clear out of the water.

Daddy, Grandpa, Lainey and I went for a walk to the pink hotel next door after breakfast our first morning to see the koi fish.  Or, as Lainey says, "Look at all the Nemo's!" All fish are Nemo's to her.  Unless it's yellow and black. Then it's "shark bait." Can you tell she's watched that movie a few times?

Robert made it a goal to take more pics of me and the kids. So thanks to him and Grandpa, I'm in my share of the photos this time.

Lainey decided very early that the ocean was not for her and wouldn't even walk close to the waves, telling us, "Let's go over here."  This was as close as she got to getting into the ocean.

This smile or one very similar to it, rarely left her face the entire trip.  That is my most precious memory of our first family vacation.

1 comment:

Mary Liz said...

Love the photos, keep going! I want to come and visit so bad.