Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Road to Hana

It took some convincing, but I talked Robert into driving the road to Hana for the second time.  If it weren't for his parents going with us, he definitely would've told me no.  It's a beautiful drive but for the driver, it's a nightmare with approximately 600 turns and 54 bridges.  And we had two kids and two people that get car sick.  It had disaster written all over it.  But, it turned out to be a fun day.  We took our time, didn't try to hike to any waterfalls and made Honokalani Black Sand Beach at Wainapanapa State Park our goal.  [And no, I can't pronounce either of those names.]

On a side note, it feels weird to see pictures of just the two of us now, like there's something or some people, missing.  The same thing happens when we go out by ourselves, those rare times we get a date night.  Odd considering it was just the two of us for over 8 years.

Three Bears Waterfall where I made everyone in the car nervous by climbing out onto the rock wall that had a clearly marked sign stating not to do so.

First of a few stops for banana bread. I think we stopped 3 or 4 times and ate ALL of it before we got back to the condo.  Cute 3/4ths of a family pic. Too bad Beau was asleep in the car and missed out.   Lainey looks like she'd rather be anywhere than with her parents.

We made it to the Black Sand Beach!

And found a cute hula girl and surfer boy

Not that she'd look at the camera AND smile

except to give me this look

Beau loved the beach and couldn't get enough of getting splashed by the waves


Piper said...

Great shots Nicole! I really like the one of Beau sitting in the grass.

Mary Liz said...

Wonderful photos! You and your camera are working very well together. The one of you with Lainey in the grip (we only see 1/2 of your face) - you look like Deanna.