Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Snorkel and Whale Watching

We took the Four Winds Snorkel and Whale Watching tour and even Lainey snorkeled. Well, as much as an almost 3 year old can snorkel.  She loved looking at all the "Nemo's" from the glass bottom section of the boat and about lost her mind when Daddy made an appearance down there as well.

The whale watching was unbelievable.  They were everywhere! We even saw a mother and her baby swimming along as well as a couple of males fighting over a female.  I could watch them breach all day long and not get tired of it. I started the morning shooting RAW and after filling my 8gb memory card in less than an hour, realized I neglected to bring extra memory cards and switched to jpeg and started deleting photos after every whale we saw.  I still filled the card but at least I made it the rest of the tour.   By the end of the tour my hand was cramping and I was tired of taking pictures.  I don't recall that ever happening to me before so you know I shot a lot of photos for that to happen!

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